Faculty Interests
Rachel Achs: Moral psychology, ethics, metaethics, philosophy of emotion, philosophy of mind, political philosophy
John Bowin: Ancient philosophy, especially ancient science and metaphysics, and contemporary analytic metaphysics
Janette Dinishak: Philosophy and history of psychology, Wittgenstein, philosophy of mind, philosophy of science, disability studies and ethical theory
Jonathan Ellis: Philosophy of mind, epistemology, philosophy of psychology, philosophy of language, metaphysics, Wittgenstein
Carolina Flores: Epistemology, philosophy of mind and cognitive science, social philosophy, feminist philosophy, philosophy of psychiatry
Lauren Lyons: Ethics, social and political philosophy, philosophy of law, and their intersection
Nico Orlandi: Philosophy of mind, philosophical psychology, epistemology, philosophy of cognitive science
Abraham Stone: 19th and Early 20th century German philosophy (continental and analytic), philosophy of science and mathematics, medieval philosophy, metaphysics, Kant
E. Hande Tuna: Kant, aesthetics, moral psychology, early modern philosophy, philosophy of literature, philosophy of imagination