Daniel Guevara (Chair and Associate Professor of Philosophy) and Claudio Campagna, (Adjunct Professor of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology; and Conservation Biologist, Wildlife Conservation Society) continue to collaborate on a long-term project dedicated to a revolution in the ethics and discourse of conservation, and to a transformation in our relationship to Nature, and especially to Life itself, in all its great diversity of forms.
Multiple events are scheduled this spring, most are free and open to the public.
April 14 - Ethics and Language of Conservation Colloquium
What is Lost When a Species Goes Extinct?
A Colloquium on the Unspeakable Value of Life
- 2:00-5:30 on Friday 4/14/17
- Humanities 1, 210
- Also speaking; Paul Koch, Dean of Physical and Biological Sciences and Distinguished Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences; Beth Shapiro, Associate Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
- Reading material: Sustainable development as deus ex machina, Biological Conservation (forthcoming); www.elsevier.com/locate/bioc
April 20 - Humanities Earth Day
- 12:30 PM on Thursday 4/20/17
- Humanities 1, 210
April 29 - Alumni Weekend: Ethics and the Language of Conservation
Guevara and Campagna assert the need to radically rethink the meaning of conservation. "Sustainable Development" is a failed term, and as a result, the crisis of conservation is fundamentally a philosophical crisis with real-world implications. Their goal is to give a compelling and rigorous voice to an authentic ethical concern for Nature.
- 11:00 AM on Saturday 4/29/17
- Bay Tree Building; Cervantes & Velasquez Room
- Register here: http://alumniweekend.ucsc.edu/sessions/language-of-conservation/
******* Past Events********
March 30 - A Rich Tradition of Non-traditional Thinking: The Legacy of Rachel Carson
The Language of Conservation: From the Field to Philosophy
Rachel Carson, writer and conservationist, is widely credited with launching the modern environmental movement. Through philosophy, language, field science, journalism, art, and teaching, the speakers at this event are practitioners of environment and social justice. An evening of compelling talks illustrating the legacy of Rachel Carson with Daniel Guevara, Claudio Campagna, Laurie Palmer, Emma Hiolski, Justine Smith, and Erika Zavaleta
Annenberg Beach House, Santa Monica CA
April 5 - Artists on Art: Humanities Radio Hour
KZSC 88.1 FM - https://www.kzsc.org/